We Love Pets

by. Dadan Hamdani

Pets healt can also be decreased, just like humans, in the event of health problems caused by the lower resistance then it should be given adequate health , as an additional supplement, give antibiotics, it would have been better to have your veterinarian as recommendations on procedures for animal care and further treatment if at any time of the case requires expert handling.

One more thing that matters is that dogs are not animals have the ability to clean themselves like cats, so it's natural for pet owners to pay attention to cleanliness of their pets,

Choosing Winter Wear For Short Hair Dogs

Choosing Winter Wear For Short Hair Dogs

 by: Jenny Gregorich

Keeping your dog happy and healthy is at the top of your list of priorities, especially when your dog has short hair. Buying winter wear for short haired dogs is generally recommended to keep your dog warm during the colder months. Many dogs enjoy the winter and enjoy a romp in the snow. This is why it’s so important to pick the right winter wear for your dog. 

According to experts, you will need to consider a few things before choosing the right clothes for your dog. Many coats cause static electricity and may even cause your dog’s hair to mat. Experts recommended spraying your dog’s coat with hair moisturizer after bringing him in from the cold. This helps keep the hair from getting coarse, and should be done just before you bring him back into the house. 

When it comes to winter wear for short haired dogs, bigger is sometimes better. Many short haired dogs are large, and can benefit from clothing that covers most of their body. You can buy weather proof coats, some of which are lined with fleece to ensure warmth. You can also buy turtleneck sweaters for certain breeds, such as Boxers and Bulldogs, experts say. The sad part about is that few people think about buying clothing for their dog. 

Of course, choosing the right winter wear for short haired dogs does not have to be difficult. If you’re leery about getting store bought clothing for your dog, you can make clothes yourself. You may be able to purchase prints to do so. You can knit sweaters, boots and even capes. Each of these garments is designed to protect different parts of your dog’s body. If you have a small dog, it is especially critical to make sure it has clothing to keep it warm during the colder months. 

When it comes to dog clothing, most people think of sweaters and coats, but it’s equally important to think about your dog’s lower extremities, such as his feet. If you have a small dog, his feet are more likely to get cold, so bear this in mind. 

If your dog plays in the snow, you may want to buy a rain coat. This will ensure that moisture rolls off and doesn’t get your dog cold. One thing to remember is that many people buy the wrong clothes for their dog. If your dog often fits through small spaces, you may want to purchase clothing that is closer to the skin, to avoid tearing. Many sweaters pull and may be more appropriate for dogs that stick to open spaces and do not engage in a lot of roughhousing. 

Whatever you do, remember that your dog will respond differently to different garments. This often depends on the breed of dog. A small dog may not be as pleased with boots are as larger dog may be. Also consider your dog’s personality. This will help you determine how he or she will respond to clothing. 

You will also want to make sure that garments are open enough that your dog can use the facilities.

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He Most Common Dog Skin Problems

He Most Common Dog Skin Problems
 by: Jennifer Gretson

A healthy animal will also have healthy skin. If dog skin problems occur, it generally indicates that the dog has an underlying condition. These conditions can be caused by multiple factors, including infections, pests, and allergies. Stress or metabolic disorders can also create problems. When a pets external appearance noticeably worsens in any way, medical help should be sought. Letting conditions become chronic can cause further damage to the health of a pet. In addition, some untreated conditions are contagious and can infest other animals. Some can even be passed to humans. 

The symptoms of problems are very diverse. Key behaviors such as frantic scratching, frequent licking, or even chewing should not be ignored. Pets might also signal discomfort by rubbing up against furniture or carpets. When these behaviors are recognized, a closer look should be taken at the fur and skin of the animal. 

If there are any scabs, scaly patches, bald spots, rashes or lesions, a veterinarian should be notified. Other reasons for concern include redness, blood, pus, swelling, lumps or discoloration. There are many different conditions that can cause these symptoms and they are best detected by a professional. 

Pests may be the source of problems. The bites and droppings of fleas can create lingering irritation. Some pets may even be allergic to the saliva in a flea bite, making matters worse. In addition to this, certain flea control methods readily available on the market can be aggravating. 

Different infections can plague the skins surface. These include fungal, bacterial or yeast type infections. Fungal infections can include ringworm. Ringworm can result in the presence of scaly patches, baldness and irritation. Ringworm is particularly troublesome as it can be passed to other animals as well as people if left untreated. Bacterial or yeast infections normally occur only after the skin is compromised, further exacerbating the original problem. 

Allergies can affect skin as well. These may be aggravated by naturally occurring irritants from the outdoors or allergies to food. Outdoor allergies improve or worsen with the seasons, and depend on the circulating amounts of dust, pollen, grass, or mold. Foods that typically cause reactions contain chicken, beef, soy, corn or wheat based ingredients. Food additives, such as colorings, can also be aggravating. 

Problems may also have a behavioral component. A dog living in a very loud environment may experience heightened levels of stress. As a result, it may lick and gnaw at itself. It can also perform the same behaviors simply if it is bored. This is one reason why daily exercise and attention are very important for pets. 

Most of these issues are preventable. One method of prevention is using only dog appropriate products on a dog. A hypoallergenic diet ensures that pets receive a nutritious and healthy meal without any artificial or unnecessary ingredients. Dogs should live in a calm, clean and quiet environment to limit stress levels and discourage the proliferation of pests. A veterinarian can provide a series of suggestions on how to further prevent parasite infestation.

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